
A Smart Way to Protect Farmers, Taxpayers, and the Future of Our 食物

卡伦·佩里·斯蒂尔曼, 玛西娅DeLonge


Cover for 保护土壤 policy brief from the Union of Concerned Scientists

Soil is at the foundation of our food system and is vital for our future.

健康的, living soil promotes healthy crops, 成立, 防止污染, 商店碳, and helps ensure that farmers and their communities can thrive.

Yet decades of short-sighted farm policies have incentivized practices—such as growing just one or two crops instead of more diverse rotations, and leaving soil bare after harvests—that have depleted and damaged this foundation. 结果是, estimates have suggested that US farms lose more than 3 trillion pounds of soil to erosion each year.

To rebuild this critical life-support system, we need science-based public policies that invest in farmers and soil.


Stillerman, Karen Perry, and 玛西娅DeLonge. 2019. 保护土壤: A Smart Way to Protect Farmers, Taxpayers, and the Future of Our 食物. Cambridge, MA: Union of Concerned Scientists. http://qem0.fshxym.com/resources/safeguarding-soil