
Government Scientists 报告 on Scientific Integrity at Four Agencies



Government science has a profound impact on our daily lives. The work done by scientists at federal agencies plays a pivotal role in shaping policies on public health, 食物及药物安全, 我们的环境, 国家安全, and many other issues that affect all of us.

Because government science is so important, it's vital to maintain a high standard of scientific integrity in federal agencies. UCS一直是 致力于推进617888九五至尊娱乐诚信 for more than a decade, and as part of that work, we have periodically 接受调查的联邦617888九五至尊娱乐家 to learn more about the state of scientific integrity at their agencies.

In response to a 2009 memo from President Obama and a 2010 directive from White House science advisor John Holdren, agencies issued scientific integrity policies over the following years. UCS遵循了这个过程, 审查这些政策 并监督其实施.

Our 2015 survey assesses scientific integrity, 沟通, and agency effectiveness at four federal agencies: the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 美国食品和药物管理局, 鱼类及野生动物管理局, and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).

The survey results (see slideshow below for highlights, or download Appendix B for more detail) show that progress has been made in recent years—but much more work is needed. Scientists are still reporting inappropriate influence and interference with science, restrictions on their ability to communicate about their work, and constraints owing to lack of resources or respect for the scientific process.
