

The tobacco company Philip Morris has funded several university research programs, 有时是违反大学道德规范的合同, as part of a concerted public relations and marketing strategy to improve tobacco’s tarnished image.

The academic integrity and scientific credibility of academic institutions can quickly be called into question when they forge partnerships with Philip Morris (now Altria), 一个烟草巨头 long history 操纵617888九五至尊娱乐和公共政策.

Philip Morris 杜克大学 $37 million 从2004年到2014年的十年间. 这笔拨款帮助资助了杜克戒烟中心. 中心主任, Jed Rose, has made the case for e-cigarettes—promoted by tobacco companies to spin off their own brands as a smoking cessation method—就在2016年,尽管事实上 FDA还没有批准 任何电子烟产品都被视为有效的戒烟艾滋病. In Rose’s author disclosure, 他承认自己接受了烟草业的资助, that he serves as a consultant to Philip Morris International “specifically to support reduced risk products,” and that he is listed as an inventor on a nicotine inhalation technology sold to Philip Morris. Other than Rose’s personal funding disclosure and an indirect mention on an outdated program history timeline, nowhere on the its website does the Center explicitly disclose the decade of tobacco industry funding. 菲利普莫里斯公司致力于推广戒烟产品, it has actually advertised for dual use of the cigarettes in addition to the patch by using the campaign for its Marlboro brand, 当你不能吸烟的时候.”

2006年,菲利普莫里斯 输入1美元.300万的合同 弗吉尼亚联邦大学. The contract’s restrictive terms included barring professors from publishing the results or talking about their studies without the company’s permission. Additionally, all patents and other intellectual property rights for work conducted under the contract would belong to the company, 不是大学研究人员.

The contract’s terms are in stark contrast to the university’s own guidelines for industry-sponsored research. Sheldon Krimsky, 塔夫茨大学研究企业对医学研究影响的专家, 写道:“当大学与这些契约签订合同时, 他们基本上是在放弃自己的精神, 损害了大学的价值观. There should be no debate about having a sponsor with control over the publishing of results.”

这份合同是在VCU主席任内签订的, Eugene Trani, 是环球公司的董事会成员, 烟叶公司, 该公司将其产品出售给包括菲利普莫里斯在内的烟草制造商. Trani also 领导了弗吉尼亚生物技术研究园区的发展,包括房子 3.5亿美元菲利普莫里斯研究与技术中心, where the company is conducting research into “reduced risk” products including smokeless tobacco.

2007年2月,美国菲利普莫里斯公司 announced 向弗吉尼亚大学捐赠2500万美元, 这是学校有史以来收到的最大一笔企业捐赠, 支持“独立研究”以“帮助预防青少年吸烟”, improve the effectiveness of smoking-cessation efforts and reduce the harm caused by smoking.” This grant was part of a $176 million effort to implement programs aimed at helping young people avoid risky behaviors, such as smoking. 就在几年后的2010年,约翰. 卡斯汀三世是菲利普·莫里斯资助弗吉尼亚大学时的校长, 被任命为奥驰亚董事会成员.

As Philip Morris increased its funding of university research into smoking cessation efforts, 2012年卫生局局长的报告, 预防青少年和青壮年吸烟, concluded that, “there is a causal relationship between advertising and promotional efforts of the tobacco companies and the initiation and progression of tobacco use among young people,” that “The evidence is suggestive…that tobacco companies have changed the packaging and design of their products in ways that have increased these products’ appeal to adolescents and young adults,” and that “the tobacco companies’ activities and programs for the prevention of youth smoking have not demonstrated an impact on the initiation or prevalence of smoking among young people.”

These three schools have all been used by in the tobacco industry in a concerted public relations and marketing strategy designed to improve its image after being exposed over decades as purveyors of disinformation that harmed millions of lives.
