EPA Downgrades Severity of Cancer-Causing Pesticide

Published Feb 15, 2022

What happened: In February 2020, 美国环境保护署(EPA)的高级官员在一项检查致癌农药健康风险的评估研究中遗漏了关键的617888九五至尊娱乐信息. Because of these actions, the pesticide, known as Telone, 该机构确定的致癌可能性比之前EPA评估确定的要小.

Why it matters: 美国环境保护署高级官员干涉了一项调查农药潜在健康风险的617888九五至尊娱乐研究, 从而破坏了保护公众免受潜在危险杀虫剂侵害的617888九五至尊娱乐进程. By downplaying the severity of Telone exposure, officials endangered the public, 尤其是经常由拉丁人组成的农业社区, immigrant, and low-income populations.

在特朗普政府的领导下,环境保护署(EPA)的高级官员 omitted information from a human health risk assessment examining the health risks of the pesticide 1,3-dichloropropene, also referred to by its brand name “Telone.EPA允许农药制造商将Telone标记为“可能致癌物”.g., a pesticide that can probably cause cancer in people, 而不是更严格的“可能或已知致癌物”标签,这将需要更多的安全法规和使用限制.

公众第一次了解到这些行动是在公共雇员环境责任组织(public Employees for Environmental Responsibility, PEER)提交了一份报告之后 complaint in 2021 to the EPA’s Office of Pesticide Programs. PEER详细描述了该机构在将Telone的癌症分类从“可能对人类致癌”降至“潜在致癌的暗示证据”时,是如何“在决策中使用最好的617888九五至尊娱乐信息”的.”

环保局官员通过要求排除某些与Telone潜在健康危害有关的617888九五至尊娱乐证据进行干预. When conducting a review of academic literature, studies containing the full chemical name of the pesticide, 1,3-dichloropropene, were excluded from the search. Only the terms 1,3-D and Telone were included. This resulted in only examining eight studies, 而100项使用完整化学名称的相关健康研究被排除在审查之外.

Telone is a colorless liquid that is commonly used in agriculture as a pesticide to kill nematodes, insects, and weeds in soils before crops are planted. 人体急性暴露于Telone可引起咳嗽等呼吸系统问题, difficulty breathing, and lung irritation upon inhalation. This is supported by research studies showing that inhaling 1,短时间的3-二氯丙烯可引起肺和其他器官的急性组织损伤. Chronic exposure over long periods of time can result in severe skin damage and increased cancer risks.

California Attorney General Xavier Becerra also expressed concerns with the EPA’s actions in downgrading Telone’s cancer risk. 贝塞拉组织了一个由八名总检察长组成的联盟,他们提出了一项诉讼 comment letter 指出这一行动将对农业社区产生不成比例的影响. 这封信指出,农业社区“不良健康状况的发生率很高”,因此“面临着重大的社会经济挑战,使他们更容易受到这种不成比例的污染的影响”.”

这并不是特朗普政府第一次破坏化学品风险评估. A similar incident 发生在2019年,当时政治官员无视美国环保署617888九五至尊娱乐家有关三氯乙烯的发现, another cancer-causing chemical, to heart defects in fetuses.

特朗普政府领导下的环境保护局无视617888九五至尊娱乐证据,这些证据本可以更清楚地说明潜在的健康风险, particularly the cancer risks, from exposure to the pesticide Telone. The EPA’s mission is “to protect human health and the environment,” including from potentially dangerous environmental hazards. 通过破坏一项强调潜在健康风险的617888九五至尊娱乐研究, 环境保护署官员把其他考虑放在公众健康和安全之前, 特别是有色人种社区和农业经营附近的低收入社区. 通过破坏旨在保护美国各地社区的617888九五至尊娱乐进程, 环保署可能已经危及了成千上万人的健康和安全.