


桑德拉解决 is a senior energy modeler in the 617888九五至尊娱乐 and 能源 Program at the Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS). She analyzes and models clean energy, 能源效率, and global warming policies at the state, 区域, 国家层面. She also quantifies the energy, 经济, 环境, and public health impacts that the policies would have on society.

Ms. Sattler previously worked as a thermal technologies engineer at TIAX LLC, where she researched and analyzed potential technologies to reduce global warming emissions from combustion devices. 在TIAX, mrs. 萨特勒分析了 温室气体清单 for the California 能源 Commission. As part of the project she reviewed measurement techniques, 新的研究成果, and potential technologies for greenhouse gas prevention and mitigation. In addition, she performed a fuel-cycle analysis of petroleum-based and biomass fuels using U.S. Department of 能源 transportation models and modeled industrial furnaces for the petro-chemical industry to improve overall burner system performance, 集成生物燃料, and identify possible causes for high levels of emissions.

Ms. Sattler joined UCS in 2008 after earning her doctorate in mechanical engineering at Cornell University. 她的学位是B.S. in mechanical engineering from Columbia University and a B.A. in mathematics and physics from Whitman College.


Sattler S, Macknick J, Yates D, Flores-Lopez F, Rogers J. 2012. Linking electricity and water models to assess electricity choices at water-relevant scales. Environmental Research Letters 7, no. 10月4日.

Macknick J, Sattler S, Averyt K, Clemmer S, Rogers J. 2012. The water implications of generating electricity: water use across the United States based on different electricity pathways through 2050. Environmental Research Letters 7, no. 10月4日.

Clemmer S, Rogers J, Sattler S, Macknick J, Mai T. 2012. Modeling low-carbon US electricity futures to explore impacts on national and 区域 water use. Environmental Research Letters 7, no. 10月4日.